2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

EDCI 62331 Designing Intervention and Assessment

Candidates in this course will learn evidence-based strategies of intervention to support children in the general education classroom as well as the special education and ELL classrooms. Interventions which assist struggling learners will be explored and analyzed. Candidates will review Response to Intervention and Universal Design as theories and strategies of intervention. Candidates will understand the importance of quality assessment design in the implementation of intervention procedures and collaboration around shared data towards the improvement of teaching and learning. This course requires 1-2 hours of field experience work. Prerequisite: EDCI 62229 with a minimum grade of C and Admittance to Teacher Education.  Corequisites: EDCI 62322, EDCI 62324, EDCI 62325, EDCI 62342, and MATH 17323.
