2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

The College of Arts and Sciences

Associate Provost: TBD

The College of Arts and Sciences includes the Departments of Fine and Performing Arts; Humanities and Social Sciences; Language, Literature, and Writing; Mathematics and Statistics; Military Science; Natural Sciences; and the Honors Program.

The College of Arts and Sciences provides skills in communication, critical thinking, problem solving, managing information, and valuing; a foundation in liberal arts, science and mathematics; individual professional preparation in selected fields; pre-professional education; and cultural enrichment. The college offers a wide spectrum of undergraduate majors, minors, and cooperative programs with other units of the University. Additionally, many individualized programs are available to professionally-oriented students. Graduates are readily accepted into graduate and professional schools or placed in positions compatible with their field of study.

Programs in the College of Arts and Sciences provide a rich collegiate experience and the technical and intellectual skills necessary for professional competence. The traditional classroom setting is complemented by laboratory classes and field experiences, enabling the student to put into immediate practice the concepts and understandings gained. Through these processes, students have opportunities to grasp the value of individual integrity, respect for others’ ideas, sensitivity to cultural diversity and to engage in personal growth.

General education and subject-field courses offered by the college assure an understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship, the role of the scientific process and problem solving in daily living, and awaken students to the values of their own cultural heritage and that of others. These courses assist students in learning to apply and expand current knowledge in educational experiences that make students better contributors to society and assists them in leading more rewarding lives. Students learn as individuals and as members of teams to communicate ideas effectively, apply emerging technologies, deal with abstractions, develop analytical skills, synthesize ideas, evaluate current actions against historical perspectives, develop discriminating aesthetic judgments and give form to their imaginations.