2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Withdrawal from the University

Student Initiated Withdrawal

  • Students who wish to terminate enrollment at the University (unenroll from all courses) during a term should initially consult with their advisor. If, after meeting with the advisor, a student decides to withdraw from the University, the student must complete an Exit Report through the Student Success Center in Owens Library.
  • It is extremely important that a withdrawal be completed to ensure that proper entries are made on the academic transcript, that fee refunds are processed (See “Fees and Costs” section.), and that all University records reflect the withdrawal.
  • If a student cannot initiate the withdrawal process in person, he or she should write or email the Student Success Center, so that office can process the withdrawal.
  • Students who wish to withdraw from the University must do so before 80% of any semester or shorter-length term has expired.

A “W” will be recorded on the academic transcript for each class.

  • Students who do not follow the prescribed procedure to withdraw from the University will have a grade of “F” recorded on the permanent record for all courses.
  • Students on academic probation who withdraw from all classes will be readmitted on the same status they held at the time of withdrawal from school.
  • If due to extraordinary reasons—beyond the control of the student—a student desires to withdraw from the University after the deadline, the student must petition the Student Persistence Committee. Petition forms are available in the Office of the Registrar or online at www.nwmissouri.edu/registrar.

Academic Administrative Withdrawal

When it is in the best interest of Northwest Missouri State University for a student to withdraw, a student will be given a W, put on administrative hold, and given notice that they are about to be withdrawn. This action will result in removal of all credits associated with courses that have yet to be completed in the semester in question, and the student will be administratively withdrawn from the University. An administrative withdrawal does not affect the student's grade point average.

  • Consistent with the University definition of Administrative Withdrawal stated above, an Academic Administrative Withdrawal can be implemented should the following conditions arise:
    • A student is administratively dropped from all enrolled courses during a semester. The Registrar will initiate the process for administrative withdrawal.
    • An admitted student with a requirement to participate in the Academic Success Coaching program does not meet program standards or fulfill program requirements. The Director of Academic Success and Retention will initiate the process for administrative withdrawal that may include suspension from the University for a specified period.
    • A student participating in the Academic Recovery program does not meet program standards or fulfill program requirements. The Director of Academic Success and Retention will initiate the process for administrative withdrawal that may include suspension from the University for a specified period.
    • Non-payment of fees. The Student Account Services Office will initiate the process for administrative withdrawal.
      • Students who are administratively withdrawn for non-payment of fees are prohibited from attending classes.

Academic Administrative Withdrawal Appeal: All students who are withdrawn under this policy have the right to appeal the decision to the appropriate Associate Provost. The appeal must be made in writing within ten business days of the withdrawal decision, and address reasons the student feels they should be reinstated. The appeal can include information not previously available, including extenuating circumstances that may not have known. The Associate Provost has the ability to call together an ad hoc committee as needed and appropriate for the given situation. Suggested membership includes an appropriate appointee from the VP of Student Affairs, DEI, UPD, Registrar’s office, the student’s advisor/success coach, and if the student is an on campus resident, a member of Residential Life. The decision of the Associate Provost is final.

Academic Administrative Withdrawal Notice: The office initiating the administrative withdrawal must work with the appropriate Associate Provost and Registrar to activate the withdrawal. The Registrar’s office will place a hold on the student’s account. Upon the student being administratively withdrawn, the appropriate Associate Provost, or a designee, will inform the student. Additionally, the student will also receive written notice of the administrative withdrawal.

Readmission of Academically Administratively Withdrawn Students: Should the Administratively Withdrawn student choose to return to the university, the student must file a written request for readmission to the Provost at least 30 business days prior to the beginning of the term in which the student wishes to enroll. In order to be considered for readmission, the student must be able to demonstrate that they are prepared to return to classes and be successful in the University environment. Whether to grant readmission remains solely in the University’s discretion.