2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Marketing Comprehensive Major: GIS Emphasis, 72 hours: B.S.—No Minor Required

CIP: 521499

This is an interdisciplinary major between the School of Business and the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The Marketing: Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) major aims to combine expertise and knowledge from both fields to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the intersection between marketing strategies and spatial data analysis.

Students will have the opportunity to explore the dynamic relationship between marketing and GIS through a curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking capabilities and communication skills. By integrating concepts from marketing and GIS, students will develop a unique skill set that will prepare them for professional careers in today's business world. The program introduces students to the fundamentals of Geographic Information Sciences and students will learn how to collect, analyze, interpret, and visualize spatial data using advanced GIS tools and techniques. Students will explore various GIS applications in marketing, such as location analysis, market segmentation, consumer behavior mapping, and spatial targeting.

Moreover, the program offers specialized courses focusing on the integration of marketing and GIS. Students will learn how to leverage spatial data to enhance marketing strategies, optimize advertising campaigns, and make informed decisions based on geospatial insights. They will gain practical experience by working with real-world datasets and engaging in hands-on projects that require the application of GIS techniques to solve marketing problems.

The Marketing: GIS program provides students with a unique educational experience, equipping them with the necessary skills to excel in marketing roles that involve spatial analysis and data-driven decision making. Graduates of this program will be well-prepared to pursue careers in market research, location intelligence, digital marketing, and other fields where the integration of marketing and GIS is crucial.

To successfully complete the program, students must fulfill the requirements of the comprehensive major, with at least 60 percent of the major coursework being completed at Northwest Missouri State University.

Students choosing a comprehensive major in Marketing: GIS must complete and earn a minimum grade of C for each of the courses in the Common Professional Component and the required courses in the major.


The Northwest Core (44-47 hours)

Institutional Requirements (4 hours)

Common Professional Component (48 hours)

Required Courses (18 hours)

MKTG 55334Social Media Marketing


MKTG 55431Logistics Management


MKTG 55432Marketing Research


MKTG 55434Marketing Management


GEOG 32221Economic Globalization


GEOG 32365Geographic Information Systems


Approved GIS Electives (6 hours)

Advisor-approved, upper-level electives


Free electives as needed to reach minimum 120 graduation hours