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Northwest Missouri State University
2024-25 Graduate Catalog
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Northwest Missouri State University Graduate School
Graduate School Statement of Mission
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College of Arts and Sciences
School of Agricultural Sciences
Melvin D. and Valorie G. Booth School of Business
School of Communication and Mass Media
School of Computer Science and Information Systems
School of Education
School of Health Science and Wellness
ACCT - Accounting
AGRI - Agriculture
ART - Art
BIOL - Biological Sciences
CHEM - Chemistry
COM - Communication
CSIS - Computer Science Info Systems
ECON - Economics
ENGL - English
FIN - Finance
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
HIST - History
HUM - Humanities
INST - International Study
LANG - Languages
MATH - Mathematics and Statistics
MGMT - Management
MKTG - Marketing
MMED - Mass Media
MUS - Music
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Foods and Nutrition
PHIL - Philosophy
PHSC - Physical Science
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
REC - Recreation
SCED - Science Education
SCGD - School Counseling
SOC - Sociology
THEA - Theatre
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2024-25 Graduate Catalog
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2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog
2024-25 Graduate Catalog
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
EDCI 62503 Special Topics in Education
EDCI 62504 Creating Inclusive Classrooms
EDCI 62508 Transition/Career Education for Students with Disabilities
EDCI 62511 Middle School Curriculum, Methods and Practicum
EDCI 62519 Problems in Elementary Education
EDCI 62520 Introduction to Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDCI 62521 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
EDCI 62522 Technology for Teaching and Learning
EDCI 62531 Curriculum and Methods in Early Childhood
EDCI 62540 Behavior Management Techniques
EDCI 62541 Assessment and Early Intervention in Early Childhood
EDCI 62542 Curriculum and Methods in Early Childhood Special Education
EDCI 62552 Language, Speech, and Hearing
EDCI 62553 The Reading Program in the Secondary School
EDCI 62555 Trends in Reading
EDCI 62563 Trends in Special Education
EDCI 62574 Teaching Math to Students with Disabilities
EDCI 62580 Methods and Techniques for Teaching English Language Learners (ELL/ESOL)
EDCI 62582 Linguistics for Teaching English Language Learners (ELL/ESOL)
EDCI 62591 Seminar in Education
EDCI 62600 Special Offering
EDCI 62601 Literacy-Based Assessment and Analysis
EDCI 62602 Supervision of Early Childhood Programs
EDCI 62603 Mathematics in the Elementary School
EDCI 62604 A Survey of Literacy Professionals and Practices
EDCI 62605 Science in the Elementary School
EDCI 62606 Issues in Early Childhood Education
EDCI 62607 Language Arts in the Elementary School
EDCI 62608 Transition/Career Education for Students with Disabilities: Process and Resources
EDCI 62610 Social Studies in the Elementary School
EDCI 62611 Introduction to Online Instruction and Portfolio Development
EDCI 62612 Literacy in the Elementary School
EDCI 62613 How Students Learn
EDCI 62614 Schools, Students and Society
EDCI 62615 Designing and Assessing Teaching and Learning
EDCI 62616 Inquiry into Practice
EDCI 62617 Early Childhood Program Evaluation
EDCI 62618 The Reflective Practitioner
EDCI 62619 Literacy in the Secondary School
EDCI 62621 Leadership in Special Education
EDCI 62622 Internship in Special Education Administration
EDCI 62623 Mathematical Leadership: Foundations of Curriculum Development
EDCI 62624 Mathematical Leadership for Elementary Mathematics Specialists.: Influencing and Facilitating Improvement
EDCI 62625 Seminar and Internship in Number and Operation
EDCI 62626 Seminar and Internship in Rational Numbers and Proportional Thinking
EDCI 62627 Seminar and Internship in Algebraic Reasoning
EDCI 62628 Seminar and Internship in Geometry and Measurement
EDCI 62629 Advanced Developmental Psychology for Educators
EDCI 62630 Field Experience in Early Childhood
EDCI 62631 Improvement of Teaching Reading: Inquiry and Research
EDCI 62632 Assessment in Reading
EDCI 62633 Practicum in Diagnosis and Intervention Strategies for Emergent Readers
EDCI 62634 Practicum in Diagnosis and Intervention Strategies for Post-Emergent Readers
EDCI 62635 Techniques for Conferencing and Collaboration
EDCI 62636 Theoretical and Knowledge Base of Reading
EDCI 62637 Curriculum and Methods in Early Childhood Special Education
EDCI 62638 Introduction to the Profession: Educational Diagnosticians
EDCI 62639 Trauma Informed Practices and Responsive Pedagogy
EDCI 62640 Topics and Projects in Reading
EDCI 62641 Educating the Exceptional Child
EDCI 62642 Introduction to Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
EDCI 62643 Teaching Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities
EDCI 62644 Topics and Projects in Science: Elementary
EDCI 62645 Theories and Techniques of Behavior Analysis and Intervention
EDCI 62646 Topics and Projects in Classroom Management: Elementary
EDCI 62647 Topics and Projects in Language Arts: Elementary
EDCI 62648 Topics and Projects in Social Studies: Elementary
EDCI 62649 Topics and Projects in Mathematics: Elementary
EDCI 62650 Graduate Elementary Literacy Practicum
EDCI 62651 Graduate Secondary Literacy Practicum
EDCI 62652 Student Evaluation and Assessment
EDCI 62654 Analysis and Correction of Reading Disabilities
EDCI 62655 Reading in the Elementary School
EDCI 62656 Methods of Teaching Science and Social Studies in Special Education Settings
EDCI 62658 Applied Learning Theory for Students with Exceptionalities
EDCI 62659 Organization and Supervision of Reading Programs
EDCI 62660 Practicum 1: Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities for Grades K-6
EDCI 62661 Practicum 2: Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading Disabilities for Grades 7-12
EDCI 62666 Practicum in Mild to Moderate Disabilities: Elementary
EDCI 62667 Practicum in Mild to Moderate Disabilities: Secondary
EDCI 62668 Academic Skills: Assessment for Intervention
EDCI 62678 Educational Diagnosis and Cognitive Assessment
EDCI 62680 Theories of Language Acquisition
EDCI 62681 Topics and Projects in Early Childhood Education
EDCI 62682 Materials and Curriculum Design for Teaching English Language Learners (ELL/ESOL)
EDCI 62684 Topics and Projects in Mild and Moderate Disabilities: Elementary
EDCI 62685 Test Theory and Developmental Assessment
EDCI 62686 Practicum: Teaching English Language Learners (ELL/ESOL)
EDCI 62687 Sociolinguistics
EDCI 62688 Topics and Projects in Mild and Moderate Disabilities: Secondary
EDCI 62690 English for English Language Learners
EDCI 62691 Educational Psychology for the Educational Diagnostician
EDCI 62694 Literacy-Focused Academic Inquiry
EDCI 62695 Literacy Capstone
EDCI 62697 Capstone Project: Educational Diagnosticians
EDCI 62699 Capstone in Special Education