2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

EDCI 62426 Integrated Curriculum and Authentic Assessment for Evidence-Based Decision Making in Grades 1-3

Candidates will develop a knowledge of principles of appropriate and meaningful measures to assess student learning and mastery of concepts, personalize learning, and monitor student progress, specific to grades 1-3. Candidates will use emerging understandings of assessment as an instructional informant to design, use and analyze formal and informal assessments that help monitor and plan instruction across disciplines based on developmentally appropriate practices and state and federal guidelines.  This course informs candidates of the importance of family involvement, cultural, economic, and linguistic diversity, and project based approaches to curriculum for primary grades.  Candidates learn to plan developmentally appropriate, meaningful learning experiences based on state and common core standards with an understanding of how content areas such as language, reading, writing, numeracy and math, scientific reasoning, visual and expressive arts, and social studies are integrated in order to facilitate and support the development of the ‘whole child’ in grades 1-3.
