2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Art / 13

Statement of Purpose for Art

The five degree programs of study in the Art and Design Program provide students with the skills needed to accomplish the tasks of their professions, refine their critical thinking skills, and improve their ability to interpret and engage confidently with the world around them.

Study in these programs offers students the opportunity to learn to communicate ideas effectively, to develop analytical skills, to synthesize ideas, to evaluate implications of present actions against historical perspective, and to develop discriminating aesthetic judgments.

The Art and Design program has among its objectives: (a) to cultivate a vibrant environment conducive to individual and collaborative learning and creative production, (b) to provide students with a foundation in art history and contemporary criticism that promotes an understanding of the human condition throughout history, (c) to prepare students for careers in the visual arts and design, including the teaching of art and design, (d) to equip students with the technical skills necessary for creative production that is innovative in concept, form and material and (e) to prepare students for advanced study in art and design.

In addition to the academic programs, the Exhibitions Program and the Visiting Artists Series broaden the learning experiences of all students. The exhibitions are shown in the Gallery of the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building and are drawn from national, as well as, regional sources. The Visiting Artist Series brings outstanding artists and art historians to the program where they conduct workshops, give demonstrations, hold discussions, and give multimedia presentations and lectures that are open to the public.

Degree Programs in Art

The Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Comprehensive Major in Art is a degree emphasizing professional preparation within the studio areas. This major allows students to complete more than half of their total degree requirements in art and to experience various studio areas while focusing on their specializations.

Specializations are selected from ceramics, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, or fibers and involve advanced study in both a class format and through individualized instruction.

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design provides introductory and advanced study in graphic design, digital media, digital photography, drawing, painting, and the opportunity to select from these areas for additional advanced work. The student may also take electives outside the art program in such fields as marketing and mass media.

The Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary/Secondary Program with a Comprehensive Major in Art Education is designed to prepare students to teach art at all levels, kindergarten through grade twelve, and to supervise and lead art programs in the elementary school. For this degree, students complete nearly half of their total degree requirements in art and gain broad experience within the studio areas. This major meets all Missouri teacher certification standards in art and certifies grade program completers to teach K-12 art.

The Bachelor of Arts with a Comprehensive Major in Art is a program that is distinctive for its flexibility and combines the major requirements, which constitute almost one-half of the total degree requirements, with a rich and varied selection of general studies.

The Bachelor of Science with a Comprehensive Major in Digital Media and a concentration in Visual Imaging (VI) is a program that will allow students to develop cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills in areas that integrate visual aesthetic understanding and communication with technological knowledge. Students in the Visual Imaging concentration of the major will understand the fundamental concepts of design, comprehend how visual compositions convey content and meaning, and create computer-generated images and animations for digital output.

The Minor in Art (24 hours) provides students majoring in any other department with opportunities to pursue studio and/or art history courses.

Program Policies for Art

Attendance at exhibitions and presentations in the Visiting Artists Series is required of all students pursuing one of the majors in the art program.

All work produced in fulfillment of course requirements is considered the property of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts for exhibition purposes until the student’s graduation or withdrawal from the University.

Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Enrollment Transfer Credit and Credit by Examination

The Department of Fine and Performing Arts does not accept International Baccalaureate credit for any of its Art degree majors or minors. Credit by examination through the program is not available for any courses in Art. The program accepts Drawing, 2D Design, and Three Dimensional Design as options for Advanced Placement credit (minimum score of 3).

Advanced Standing Requirement: Art Majors

Purpose: Advanced Standing is an assessment process through which students majoring in art (including transfer students) may be approved by faculty to pursue upper level (300 and above) courses. The assessment includes assigned readings, preparation of brief written papers, a portfolio review, and a verbal critique with faculty. See specific requirements below.

1. Expectations: To pass Advanced Standing, students will demonstrate certain proficiencies typically gained from art classes. (A) Understand the use of elements and principles of design for use in formal critique and for use in improving their own artwork. (B) Understand the conceptual purposes behind the work in core art classes. (C) Demonstrate commitment to expanding knowledge for advanced study in art.

2. Timeframe: Advanced Standing Reviews will be held in both the fall and spring semesters of each school year. Students beginning the second semester of their second year and/or beginning their last art core courses must apply for Art Advanced Standing. Transfer art majors seeking to enroll in advanced art courses must meet the same requirements as students who started their careers at Northwest.

3. Requirements: (A) Grade of at least a C in ART 13120 Drawing, ART 13191 2D Design, and ART 13192 3-D Design. Must have completed ART 13161 Ceramics or ART 13150 Jewelry and Metalsmithing. Must have a grade point of at least 2.00 in the overall art core classes, with no more than 6-9 hours left to complete in the art core. (B) Must have completed or at least be enrolled in the last required Northwest Core course listed for Advanced Standing with a grade point of at least 2.00. (C) Demonstrate readiness for advanced art courses by satisfactorily responding to written and verbal questions as informed by the knowledge gained from coursework and the current art reading list. (D) B.F.A. Studio majors must have completed ART 13109 Survey of Art I and ART 13111 Survey of Art II. (E) Must present an exhibit of work from various art courses that demonstrates to the art faculty the student’s readiness to pursue advanced art courses. (F) Must have attended no fewer than 70% of visiting artist lectures and exhibition openings. (G) No art major may be enrolled in and pursue advanced art courses (numbered 300 and above) with the exception of ART 13321 Advanced Drawing, ART 13333 Printmaking, ART 13395 Design with Fibers, and ART 13302 Wheel Throwing until Advanced Standing has been granted. Art minors must complete the appropriate art core sequence prior to being enrolled in and pursuing advanced art courses.


Advanced Standing Requirement: Digital Media Majors

No digital media major (including transfer students) with a visual imaging concentration (VI) may be enrolled in and pursue advanced program courses (numbered 300 and above, with the exception of ART 13321 Advanced Drawing, ART 13333 Printmaking, and ART 13395 Design with Fibers) until Digital Media Advanced Standing has been granted.

Students seeking a major in Digital Media with a Visual Imaging concentration are expected to demonstrate a capacity to integrate from the Digital Media-Visual Imaging Advanced Standing Core courses: principles of an acquired formal language, processes of seeing, and perception of content. Through visual, written, and verbal evidence: students must show understandings of conceptual purposes behind directed work in the Digital Media-Visual Imaging core courses and sufficient commitment to expand knowledge in order to successfully pursue advanced study.

To achieve Advanced Standing as a Digital Media major, a student (1) must have no grade lower than a C in the Digital Media-Visual Imaging Advanced Standing Core courses; (2) must have completed The Northwest Core required classes listed for Digital Media-Visual Imaging Advanced Standing with a GPA of at least 2.00; and (3) must have attended no fewer than 70% of visiting artist lectures.

Students who have completed the requirements outlined above must apply for Digital Media-Visual Imaging Advanced Standing. Transfer Digital Media majors seeking to enroll in advanced program courses must meet the same requirements as students who started their career at Northwest.


Senior Review

Purpose: Senior Review is an assessment process through which students majoring in art may be approved by faculty to prepare a senior exhibition. The assessment includes assigned readings, preparation of brief written papers, a portfolio review of artwork selected by the student from their advanced classes and independent studio practice, and a verbal critique with faculty.

Expectations: To pass Senior Review, students will demonstrate an ability to synthesize ideas and effectively communicate them in their artwork as evidence of their readiness to prepare a successful senior exhibition.

Timeframe: Senior Reviews will be held both in the fall and spring semesters of each year. In the semester before their graduation semester (second last semester), students must apply for Senior Review.

Requirements: (A) Grade of at least a C in upper-level art courses. (B) Maintain an attendance record of 70% or more of visiting artist lectures after the date Advanced Standing has been granted.

Senior Exhibition

All art majors (Art Studio, Graphic Design, Art Education) are required to present an exhibition of their work that is acceptable to the art faculty. Candidates for the B.F.A. degree can satisfy this requirement only through the completion of ART 13403 Senior Exhibition. Senior exhibitions are held during the fall and spring semesters only.

The B.S.Ed. Senior Exhibition should display the talents of the student in various media. The exhibition should demonstrate that the student is skilled in many different methods and media as used in his or her classes at Northwest. A theme for the exhibition, while desirable, is not necessary for the B.S.Ed. student. All other criteria listed in the requirements for the senior exhibition apply for the B.S.Ed. student.