2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

ENGL 10414 Approaches to Creative Writing

An intermediate creative writing workshop that investigates issues of craft, form, and theory through reading, writing, and discussion. Students have the opportunity to study published works, write original works, critique the works of others, and consult with the professor about their works on a regular basis. The specific content of the course changes each time the course is offered. Course topics may include Poetic Forms, Hybridity, Prose Poetry, Critical Reading for Creative Writers, Flash Fiction, Villainy and Bad Behavior in Fiction, The Novella, Approaches to Revision, Exploring Subtext in Fiction, Lyric Essay Forms, and Intentional Experience Essays. Students may repeat the course with a change in topic. Prerequisite: ENGL 10210 or ENGL 10312 or ENGL 10313 or ENGL 10314 or ENGL 10316 or instructor permission.
