2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

EDCI 62302 Infant and Toddler Early Childhood Curriculum

This course informs candidates of the importance of curriculum for infants and toddlers with a focus on the four developmental domains: physical development, cognitive development, social emotional development, and language development. Candidates learn to plan developmentally appropriate learning experiences based on state standards and goals with a focus on the ‘whole child’, from birth to age 3. Candidates will be acquainted with the basic elements of infant toddler brain development and developmentally appropriate practice for infants and toddlers. Candidates will develop an understanding and reflect on the ‘primary caregiving model’ for infants and toddlers. The course will inform candidates on infant toddler safety, issues and trends in infant toddler care while focusing on the various types of Early Childhood programs. Environmental organization and design, along with teaching methods and interactive strategies that encourage and nurture active exploration and curiosity, are emphasized.
