2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.) (K-12 Certification)

The purpose of the B.M.E. degree is to provide music teacher training. Those who complete this degree are normally granted a certificate to teach in Missouri. All degrees in education are subject to state requirements which may change at any time due to action of the State Board of Education. Care should be exercised in choosing courses to assure a minimum of 40 semester hours of senior college work in courses numbered above 300. Completion of this curriculum, other University requirements, and an overall grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.00 scale qualifies a student to receive a Bachelor of Music Education degree. The Bachelor of Music Education degree is available with these majors: Instrumental Music K-12, Vocal Music K-12. Candidates must complete the following requirements:

B.M.E. Degree Requirements

The Northwest Core (44-47 hours)

Must include the following:

COM 29102Fundamentals of Oral Communication *


PSYC 08299Educational Psychology


Directed Northwest Core Requirement: must achieve grade of C or better in each.

Institutional Requirements (4 hours)

Degree Requirement (3 hours)

EDUC 61569Multiculturalism in Education


Major Requirements (62-64 hours)

Professional Requirements

Professional Education Phase I (3 hours)

EDCI 62109Positive Communication in an Inclusive Classroom


EDCI 62119Professional Learning Community III


Professional Education Phase II (11-12 hours)

EDUC 61301Developmental Foundations of Adolescent and Content Literacy


EDUC 61302Professional Learning Community Middle and Secondary IV


EDUC 61310Classroom and Behavior Management Strategies


EDUC 61311Designing Integrated Middle School and Secondary Curriculum


EDUC 61312Professional Learning Community for Middle School and Secondary V


EDUC 61324Intervention and Assessment: Literacy, Special Populations, and English Language


EDUC 61325Professional Learning Community VI


Special Methods in Education

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See majors for specific methods courses.

Professional Education Phase III (15 hours)

EDUC 61431Secondary School Practicum


EDUC 61432Professional Education Capstone


EDUC 61470Directed Teaching in Elementary and Secondary School

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PSYC 08322Adolescent Psychology


Special Methods:  A special methods course must be completed with each major or minor which carries 9-12 or K-12 certification.  See department course listings.

Total Credit Hours: 142