Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 86-89 hours: B.S.—No Minor Required
In conjunction with approved hospitals and medical centers.
CIP: 511005
The curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree emphasizes biology and chemistry. Minimum academic prerequisites are established by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) and are taken on the Northwest campus during the first three years along with other courses required by the University. The fourth year (senior year) is a structured educational program in an affiliated clinical laboratory. The clinical program is accredited through NAACLS. Upon satisfactory completion of the clinical program, a minimum of 30 hours of credit are granted and the student is awarded a B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree. Acceptance into an affiliated program is competitive and will be determined by the quality of academic work completed by the student during the first three years of study. Admission to the clinical program is decided entirely by the hospitals. Acceptance into the University program does not guarantee acceptance of the student by an affiliated clinical program. A minimum total of 120 academic hours are required for this degree.
Students who already have a bachelor’s degree and who wish to enter the field may do so by applying directly to the hospital that has an approved program. Applicants who have completed minimum requirements seven or more years before application must update microbiology and biochemistry. If a B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree is desired, then University requirements for the degree must also be filled.
Complete application deadlines vary with the various clinical programs. Programs should be contacted during the spring semester prior to the year you want to start. As an example, application deadlines can vary from July 1 to October 15. Applications are processed through the program director/education coordinator of the clinical program.
Selection is done by each clinical program. Criteria include state of health, academic performance, and personal characteristics. Usually, a 2.5 minimum grade point average is required.
Enrollment is limited by the class size of each clinical program. Costs vary with each clinical program. Upon graduation, students are eligible to take a national certification examination. Passing the examination is not a condition for receiving the B.S. in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree. Financial assistance varies with each clinical program. The student should contact each program and the Northwest Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance.
Degree Requirements
The Northwest Core (44-47 hours)
Institutional Requirements (4 hours)
Required Courses (56-59 hours)
Clinical Laboratory Sciences (30 hours)
In conjunction with approved hospitals and medical centers.
Free electives as needed to reach minimum 120 graduation hours
Hospitals and officials in association with the Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree:
Des Moines, Iowa
Mercy College of Health Sciences Clinical Laboratory Science Program
Kyla Dippold, MS, MLS (ASCP), Program Chair and Assistant Professor
Kansas City, Mo.
St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City—Clinical Laboratory Science Program
Jane Rachel, MA, MT (ASCP), Program Director
North Kansas City, Mo.
North Kansas City Memorial Hospital—School of Clinical Laboratory Science
Marisa K. James, MA, MT (ASCP), Program Director
Omaha, Nebraska
Nebraska Methodist Hospital—Medical Laboratory Science Program
Julie Richards, MPA, MT (ASCP) BB, Program Director