2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

B.D. Owens Library

B.D. Owens Library, which is named for the eighth president of the University, opened in 1983, replacing the original library in Wells Hall. With 116,000 square feet of space, B.D. Owens Library services and spaces are designed to meet the diverse needs of students, faculty, and staff. Library users can access over 100,000 print books, documents, and films; nearly 250,000 eBooks; and nearly 50,000 electronic format periodicals. Additional access to over 27 million items is provided through the statewide catalog maintained by the MOBIUS Consortium.

Course-focused guides and tutorials along with reference and citing assistance are also available. Reference service is provided via text, chat, video, walk-in, by appointment, e-mail, and phone. The library’s very popular “Research Help” program provides learners with personalized research assistance.

B. D. Owens Library is home to several key services widely used by the University community that complement the library’s instructional support mission. The Learning and Teaching Center, which supports faculty professional development and the University’s instructional technology needs, the Student Success Center, which offers free tutoring and academic support across the curriculum, and the Writing Center, which offers writing across the curriculum tutoring, are all located on the second floor. The International Involvement Center and the Study Abroad program are located on the first floor.

Throughout the library, areas for private study and reading are available along with spaces and resources that invite collaboration and facilitate team project development. Additionally, Novel Grounds, the library’s full-service coffee house, provides a comfortable space for patrons seeking a more relaxed and social atmosphere to meet and study.