Educational Leadership: K-12 M.S.Ed.
CIP: 130401
Program Admission Requirements
Applicants must qualify with both of the following:
1. Cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or 2.50 to 2.74 with a 3.0 GPA on six hours of required graduate coursework at Northwest in the major program where admission is requested.
2. Documentation of ONE of the following:
• 3.5 or higher on the analytical writing measure of the GRE
• successful completion of another Master's Degree from regionally accredited institution of higher education with at least a 2.75 GPA
• National Board Certification
• Successful completion of nationally normed educational performance assessment or content assessment
• valid state issued teaching certificate
• two years of previous teaching experience with a valid teaching certificate
• departmental analytical writing assessment that is evaluated using a writing scoring guide based on the modified CUNY scales with a score of 4.0 or higher
Program Outcomes - Linked to University Outcomes
The program completer who successfully completes the building level educational leadership preparation program demonstrates the capability to create quality educational experiences of all students by enlisting all stakeholders in the development and implementation of a vision promoting a positive school culture - leadership.
The program completer who successfully completes the building level educational leadership preparation program demonstrates the ability to foster relationships through creation of effective systems for communication, engagement, partnerships and advocacy resulting in the success and well-being of students - communicating.
The program completer who successfully completes the building level educational leadership preparation program demonstrates the promotion of student learning through a synthesis of curriculum planning and design, research based instructional practice, data literacy, and assessment, and effective learning supports - critical thinking.
The program completer who successfully completes the building level educational leadership preparation program demonstrates the importance of challenging the status quo through innovative actions supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion resulting in a professional culture for student achievement - diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The program completer who successfully completes the building level educational leadership preparation program demonstrates skills to cooperatively implement systems that ethically support students and staff academically, behaviorally, and operationally through data analysis, fiscal management, and legal compliance - teamwork.
All majors seeking certification in Missouri must have completed EDCI 62641 Educating the Exceptional Child if the equivalent was not met in the undergraduate coursework or through ABCTE. Certification is determined by requirements in the various states. Completion of the program in Educational Leadership: K-12 M.S.Ed does not guarantee certification.